VenusssssAnettes, 9thluvz.

Thirteen, 15th February. Punggol Secondary.
KPOP is my second priority, but I still think about my brothers & sisters. ติดต่อฉัน : Facebook/Twitter

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I've screwed up, just like everyone else.

Okay hi. :D
Exams finally over, YAYYYYYYY!
I'm worried for my results lah. D;
Tsktsk, today no school.
So sian.
Just now chatted with AMANDA, SYAF AND PAMELYN @ MSN.
Fun lor. We even talk about one bitch. 
Pamelyn ask me help her do her blog.
Okay, her blog kindda messy. x.x 
She even posted about thanking me. *touched! ^^
Now waiting LiQin to online.
She damn slow lah. :B
Hmm, actually want change blogskin de.
But dw lah! LAZYASSSS. :D 
My mind is filled with badminton.
Because theres a competition coming up. 
Maybe lose sia.
Okay whatever LOL.
Nobody online de. ALL GO OUT @#$%^&^%#!@!
Okay lah. 
Update till here.
Ohso quite no mood.
Bye. (:

I hope your life would be better without me.
Dont sad anymore k.
That girl is better than me.
She showered with you love, but not me.
So i choose to fuckoff from your life.
Thanks for everything boy.

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