VenusssssAnettes, 9thluvz.

Thirteen, 15th February. Punggol Secondary.
KPOP is my second priority, but I still think about my brothers & sisters. ติดต่อฉัน : Facebook/Twitter

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I hate this feeling, you have hurted my deeply.

Anneyonghasaeyo! :D
I'm using my phone to updateeeeee.
Quite fun, xD.
Just came back from school.
Schhoollll was kindof not-so-fun anymore.
So dead bored.
P2 & P4 having exams. And we need to keep quiet.
Sucks only. Hmm, last two periods is mrssri's period.
So she took us to the canteen and give us freedom to take picts for dk what shitshit project.
Fun but lame. :/ We took lots candid. I'm ugly like hella! I WANNA CUT MY FRINGE. >(
We kept asking teachers to help us take the video or whatever. --'
School finish le still haven finish. So enah suggested that we should do it tmr at the morning.
Now talking on msn w/ pearlyn, my idiot.
I love her sososo much. <3
Okay lah. Post till here.

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